Reading is like being surrounded by wise mentors who are always ready to share their knowledge and insights.

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs, business owners and bookworms!

Running a business is both challenging and rewarding, with plenty of highs and lows along the way. One of the best ways to navigate this journey is by continuously learning and growing. And what better way to do that than by diving into some fantastic books for entrepreneurs packed with valuable insights and strategies? 

We often believe that our problems are unique, but in reality, someone else has likely faced similar challenges before.

Books reveal how others have navigated these issues, providing us with valuable lessons from their trials and tribulations. By learning from their experiences, we can find effective ways to approach and resolve our own situations.

My love of learning has always been a driving force in my life. I believe that continuous learning is essential for growth in any aspect of our lives, whether it’s personal development, relationships, or professional success. 

For entrepreneurs, this love of learning becomes even more crucial. The business landscape is ever-changing, filled with new challenges and opportunities at every turn.

Staying curious and constantly seeking out new knowledge helps us adapt, innovate, and stay ahead of the curve.

By learning from the experiences and insights of others, we can avoid common pitfalls, embrace best practices, and find inspiration to fuel our own entrepreneurial journeys.

And so I’ve put together a list of ten must-read books that every business owner and entrepreneur should check out. These books cover a wide range of topics, from mastering pricing strategies to building lasting habits, and from adopting a subscription model to fostering a reinvention mindset.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, there’s something here for everyone.

So, grab a coffee, get comfy, and let’s explore these incredible books that every entrepreneur should read.

books for entrepreneurs (open book with bulb ideas growing out of it)

Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs:

Implementing Value Pricing by Ronald J. Baker

This book turns traditional pricing strategies on their head especially for professionals like accountants and lawyers, or anyone who bills by the hour.

Summary:  In “Implementing Value Pricing,” Ronald J. Baker explores the concept of value-based pricing, which focuses on setting prices based on the perceived value to the customer rather than the cost of production. This approach challenges traditional pricing models and emphasizes the importance of understanding what customers actually value.

Key Takeaways:  The book teaches how to communicate value effectively with your customers, how to develop a pricing strategy that reflects the true worth of your services, and create a win-win scenario for both your business and your customers. 

Practical Application:  Use value-based pricing to differentiate your business from competitors, justify premium pricing, and enhance customer satisfaction by aligning prices with the value delivered. 

Why Read It: This book has fundamentally transformed how our firm approaches pricing for customer engagements. I had the privilege of being personally mentored by Ron Baker in the art of pricing, and based on my experience implementing the strategies from this book, I firmly believe that every professional should read it. If you set prices, this book is an absolute must-read.

Favorite quotes

“Growth simply for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell, not a strategy for a viable, profitable firm.” – Ron Baker in Implementing Value Pricing (chapter 1 The Firm of the Past)

“Become much more selective about whom you do business with.”

– Ron Baker in Implementing Value Pricing (chapter 2 The Firm of the Future)

“For a firm to be truly innovative, it must not only do new things, it must stop doing old things.” – Ron Baker in Implementing Value Pricing (chapter 2 The Firm of the Future)

Range by David Epstein

We’re all familiar with the saying “jack of all trades, master of none,” which encourages focusing on becoming an expert in a single field. 

However, David Epstein presents a different perspective, demonstrating that having a diverse set of skills and the ability to transfer knowledge across various fields is actually crucial for achieving remarkable results.

Summary:  David Epstein’s “Range” argues that in a world increasingly obsessed with specialization, it’s the generalists who excel. Epstein shows how having a broad range of experiences and skills can lead to greater creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Key Takeaways:  The book highlights the advantages of a diverse skill set, the benefits of interdisciplinary thinking, and the importance of adaptability in a rapidly changing world.

Practical Application:  Encourage yourself and your team to explore varied interests and skills, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within your business. Most successful entrepreneurs, in my experience, already practice the idea of “range” and that is why they are so innovative and creative in their pursuits.

Favorite quotes

“Everyone needs habits of mind that allow them to dance across disciplines.” – David Epstein in Range (Chapter 2: How the Wicked World Was Made)

“The most effective learning looks inefficient; it looks like falling behind”

– David Estpein in Range (Introduction)

“Tolerating big mistakes can create the best learning opportunities.” – David Epstein in Range (Chapter 4: Learning, Fast and Slow)

woman reading on tablet

Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday, founder of Daily Stoic is one of my favorite authors and thinkers. And his message should go without saying but we all need to hear it now and again. That we all need to be creating great and useful products and services for our customers.

Summary:  “Perennial Seller” by Ryan Holiday delves into what it takes to create products and services that stand the test of time. Holiday draws on historical and contemporary examples to uncover the secrets of lasting success.

Key Takeaways:  The book emphasizes the importance of quality, consistency, and deep work in creating enduring products. It also covers effective marketing strategies to ensure your work reaches and resonates with the right audience.

Practical Application: Focus on creating high-quality products and services, invest in long-term marketing strategies, and remain patient and persistent in your efforts to build a lasting brand. 

Favorite quotes

“Every day something lasts, the chances that it will continue to last increase.” – Ryan Holiday about the Lindy effect in the Perennial Seller (introduction)

“Promotion is not how things are made great – only how they’re heard about.” – Ryan Holiday in the Perennial Seller (Part I: The Creative Process)

“Be a person. Be nice. Think relationship first, transaction second.”

– Ryan Holiday in the Perennial Seller (Part III: Marketing)

Subscribed by Tien Tzuo

We are living in the subscription economy, and if we don’t embrace this model, we risk becoming obsolete as business owners.

Summary: Tien Tzuo’s “Subscribed” explores the growing trend of the subscription economy and how businesses can leverage this model to build recurring revenue streams. Tzuo shares insights from his experience as CEO of Zuora, a leading subscription management platform.

Key Takeaways: The book discusses the benefits of subscription models, such as predictable revenue and stronger customer relationships, and provides a roadmap for transitioning to this model.

Practical Application: Consider implementing a subscription-based model for your products or services to create a stable income stream and build long-term customer loyalty.

Favorite quotes:

“Turn customers into subscribers in order to develop recurring revenue.” – Tien Tzuo in Subscribed (introduction)

“We prefer outcomes over ownership. We prefer customization, not standardization. And we want constant improvement, not planned obsolescence.” – Tien Tzuo in Subscribed (Chapter 1)

“We prefer outcomes over ownership.”

– Tien Tzuo in Subscribed (Chapter 1)

“Every company has the potential to reinvent and thrive in the Subscription Economy.” – Tien Tzuo in Subscribed (Chapter 7)

Think Again by Adam Grant

Adam Grant, a psychology professor, is one of the best authors to read for anyone interested in improving themselves and the way they do business.

Summary:  In “Think Again,” Adam Grant encourages readers to embrace the power of rethinking and unlearning. Grant argues that the ability to question our assumptions and stay open to new ideas is crucial for personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaways:  The book highlights the importance of intellectual humility, the benefits of a growth mindset, and techniques for fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Practical Application: Cultivate an environment where questioning the status quo is encouraged, and be open to revising your business strategies based on new information and insights.

Favorite quotes:

“Our ways of thinking become habits that can weigh us down, and we don’t bother to question them until it’s too late.” – Adam Grant in Think Again (prologue)

“The best strategists are actually slow and unsure. Like careful scientists, they take their time so they have the flexibility to change their minds.” – Adam Grant in Think Again (Chapter 1)

“While enjoyment waxes and wanes, meaning tends to last.”

– Adam Grant in Think Again (Chapter 11)
woman leaning on a big pile of books

Atomic Habits by James Clear

James Clear is the perfect habit expert for anyone looking to transform their dreams into reality.

Summary:  James Clear’s “Atomic Habits” offers a comprehensive guide to building good habits and breaking bad ones. Clear explains how small, incremental changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

Key Takeaways:  The book emphasizes the power of tiny habits, the importance of consistency, and strategies for making lasting behavioral changes.

Practical Application:  Implement atomic habits in your daily routine to enhance personal productivity, and encourage your team to adopt similar practices for collective growth and efficiency. 

Favorite quotes:

“Changes that seem small and unimportant at first will compound into remarkable results if you’re willing to stick with them for years.” – James Clear in Atomic Habits (introduction)

“Mastery requires patience” – James Clear in Atomic Habits (Chapter 1)

“All big things come from small beginnings.”

– James Clear in Atomic Habits (chapter 1)

Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Embracing uncertainty makes you stronger, and struggle fosters growth. This key message from Nassim Taleb’s book is particularly crucial in today’s world, where fragility is widespread.

Summary:  “Antifragile” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb introduces the concept of antifragility, where systems not only withstand shocks but actually thrive and grow stronger from them. Taleb explores how businesses can build resilience in an unpredictable world.

Key Takeaways:  The book highlights the importance of embracing uncertainty, the benefits of decentralization, and the need for robust risk management strategies.

Practical Application:  Design your business processes to be flexible and adaptable, allowing your organization to benefit from unexpected challenges and changes.

Favorite quotes:

“You cannot look at the future by naive projections of the past.” – Nassim Taleb in Antifragile (chapter 14)

“The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better.”

– Nassim Taleb in Antifragile (prologue)

“A free person: someone who cannot be squeezed into doing something he would otherwise never do.” – Nassim Taleb in Antifragile (chapter 24)

woman standing next to and leaning on a pile of giant books

Slow Productivity by Cal Newport

In contrast to the cultural norm that equates busyness with success, Cal Newport’s “Slow Productivity” offers a refreshing alternative.

Summary:  In “Slow Productivity,” Cal Newport champions for a more thoughtful approach to work. Newport argues that deep, focused work is more productive and fulfilling than the frantic pace often encouraged by modern work culture.

Key Takeaways:  The book promotes the benefits of slowing down, prioritizing meaningful work, and reducing distractions to achieve greater productivity and job satisfaction.

Practical Application:  Encourage a culture of deep work within your organization by minimizing distractions and allowing ample time for focused, high-quality work.

Favorite quotes:

“1. Do fewer things. 2. Work at a natural pace. 3. Obsess over quality.” – Cal Newport in Slow Productivity (introduction)

“Slow productivity doesn’t ask that you extinguish ambition.” – Cal Newport in Slow Productivity (chapter 2)

“Quality demands that you slow down.”

– Cal Newport in Slow Productivity (chapter 5)

Company of One by Paul Jarvis

I thoroughly enjoyed this book by fellow Canadian Paul Jarvis. It’s packed with valuable insights for entrepreneurs and challenges the common notion in the business world that growth for growth’s sake should be the norm.

Summary:  “Company of One” by Paul Jarvis challenges the notion that bigger is always better. Jarvis argues that staying small can lead to greater freedom, creativity, and sustainability in business.

Key Takeaways:  The book explores the benefits of a lean business model, the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity, and strategies for maintaining a small but successful enterprise.

Practical Application:  Focus on efficiency, high-quality offerings, and personalized customer experiences, rather than pursuing unnecessary growth and expansion.

Favorite quotes:

“Not all growth is beneficial, and some growth can actually reduce your resilience and your autonomy.” – Paul Jarvis in Company of One (prologue)

“Start out as simple as possible, and always fervently question adding new layers of complexity.” – Paul Jarvis in the Company of One (chapter 1)

“Start out as simple as possible.”

– Paul Jarvis in the Company of One (chapter 1)

“Focusing on better, not bigger, removes any pressure to take shortcuts.” – Paul Jarvis in the Company of One (chapter 4)

businessman holding briefcase climbing a staircase made of books

The Reinventionist Mindset by Joe Jackman

Joe Jackman, another talented Canadian, is a must-read author. His expertise in revitalizing major companies from downturns to success offers invaluable insights that we can all apply to our own businesses.

Summary:  Joe Jackman’s “The Reinvention Mindset” provides insights into how businesses and individuals can successfully reinvent themselves. Jackman shares stories and strategies from companies that have thrived through change.

Key Takeaways:  The book emphasizes the importance of adaptability, innovation, and a proactive approach to change.

Practical Application:  Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, encouraging your team to embrace change and seek out new opportunities for growth and development.

Favorite quotes:

“Being good at change matters more today simply because change itself is coming more quickly.” – Joe Jackman in The Reinventionist Mindset (chapter 2)

“The first principle of the Reinventionist Mindset is Seek Insight Everywhere.” – Joe Jackman in the Reinventionist Mindset (chapter 5)

Seek Insight Everywhere”

– Joe Jackman in the Reinventionist Mindset (chapter 5)

“Show progress and name names. Shout out the successes and celebrate those responsible for them.” – Joe Jackman in the Reinventionist Mindset (chapter 21)

woman holding a book in front of her face, you can only see her smiling eyes


These books for entrepreneurs are more than just reading material; they are transformative tools. By applying their wisdom, you can gain a competitive edge, avoid common pitfalls, and cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement. 

From mastering pricing strategies and embracing a broad skill set to fostering a mindset of reinvention and harnessing the power of habits, each book offers unique lessons that can significantly impact your professional journey.

Drawing from the insights in these books, I’ve transformed my own practice and enriched my personal life. Implementing the value pricing system from Ronald J. Baker’s book revolutionized how I price my services, ensuring they reflect the true value delivered to my clients. 

I’ve also adopted nuggets of wisdom from each book (seeking insight everywhere as Joe Jackman suggests), and applying diverse strategies to both my business and personal life. 

And thanks to David Epstein’s “Range,” I am no longer worried about my wide-ranging, seemingly disparate interests. 

So whether you’re starting your entrepreneurial journey or looking to elevate your existing business, these insights will guide you, as they have guided me, towards improvement. 

Happy reading, and here’s to your continued growth and success!

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